Saturday, May 8, 2010

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This is my review of the book The Importance Of Queen Elizabeth I. This book was written by Claire Price-Groff, the copyright date is 2001, and it was published by Lucent Books Inc.
I would read another book by Claire Price-Groff, as long as it was a biography. Ms. Price-Groff was very good at giving information in an interesting way, but I don't think she would be the best at making a story with a plot and characters.
My rating for this book is 4 of 5 stars. I gave The Importance Of Queen Elizabeth I only 4 stars because this was a really long boring part in the middle, but there were some good parts in the boringness. But the beginning and end were amazing. That is why I only gave the book 4 of 5 stars.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I had many different obstacles I went through when I was alive. For instance, I had to find a husband for the Queen Of Scots, Mary, or else she would try to overthrow me from the throne. But once I did find a husband for her, he died! So then, Mary plotted against me, which wasn't good idea because I eventually had her beheaded. As I said before, I don't like beheading people, but she left me with no choice. Mary had tried too many times to overthrow me, so I got sick of it and had her beheaded.
Another obstacle I had to overcome was that I had to be positively sure that no one would try to assassinate me. This goes with what I said before. Mary's whole plan was to try to assassinate me, so I had to watch out for people like her. But overall, I was almost assassinated, probably, three times. Only three times is a good number when you're the king or queen of a country.
The next obstacle I'm going to talk about was defiantly my hardest obstacle. It's about my half-sister, Mary. I'm just going to say it: Mary, my own sister, imprisoned me! She did this because she thought I was plotting against her so then I could be queen. She had me imprisoned for almost a year in The Tower, but then I got moved to house arrest for six months, but it was more like castle arrest! Anyway, I would never do something like that to my own sister! I still can't believe that she would think that I would do something like that.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This next little bit is going to be about things that are special and interesting that are about me! I'm only going to give you three facts, but I could probably go on forever. The first one is my nickname I got from the people I ruled over. It was Good Queen Bess. Now, my nickname is much better then my sister, Mary's, name: Bloody Mary! My sister wouldn't hesitate for beheading anyone at any given time, but I didn't like to do this, so I didn't get a nickname like her!
Here is my second interesting fact: I loved to dance! Whenever there was music on, I would be dancing and making a fool of myself! An since I loved music, too, that just gave me an extra reason to look silly! But no one likes dancing alone, right? Nither did I! So whoever was next to me would be grabbed, by me, and pulled out to dance to the music! Once I did this, everyone would come and start to dance! That's a memory that I will never forget!
My third, and final, special fact is more interesting than special: I loved to stay fit and healthy by taking long rides on my horse. So now you are probably wondering how a person stays fit by riding on a horse, right? Well I'm not quite sure, either, but it works. I died at an old age because of age, but I never had problems with my heart or anything like that because I was perfectly healthy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Now I'm going to give some words that describe me and why I have chosen them. My first word is forgiving. I have chosen this word because I forgave my nephew, Robert Devereux, too many times to count. But one day, he went a little too far, so I beheaded him. That should have thought him a lesson.
For my second word, I have picked focused. The reason why I have decided to use this word to describe me is because I cared about my studies and worked hard in each and everyone of my classes; I was focused!
My third word is unconcerned. You're probably thinking why even thought about choosing that word, but I did choose it. Here's why: When I was four, I didn't, at all, care about my political future. This is because my brother was born when I was four so he was first in line for the throne, then Mary, and finally, me. But I did rule the longest of any of us three.
The forth word I have picked is dedicated. I chose this word because when I was sixty-nine, I proved I was very active by riding my horse. I was dedicated to staying fit and healthy, so I road my horse.
My fifth and final word is terrified. I know that you are thinking, "Why did she choose that word, she was never terrified of anything! People were terrified of her!" But I was terrified of something: Getting in bed. Yes, I know that there is nothing to be scared about when getting in bed. But this phobia was only when I was older. I didn't want to get in bed when I was close to dieing because I thought I would never leave it again! But one day, I did choose to get in bed, after being told to many times, over and over again, and I was right. I died a few days after getting in the bed. I learned the hard way that a queen should never, under any circumstances, listen to anyone but herself.

By now you're probably thinking, "What did this lady do while she ruled?" Well, I'll tell you some things I did. I proved to everyone who knew me that I could rule without a husband. And I ruled for over twenty-five years! This was defiantly one of my biggest accomplishments!
Another effect I had on the world and people was being one of the most powerful and influential monarchs in England. This brings me back to the whole ruling without a husband thing. Since I was that powerful and I didn't have a husband, I could tell that everyone respected me much more than thought they would. Well, they really did have to respect me or I could lock them in The Tower or, even worse, behead them!
The last effect I'm going to talk about is when I passed the Acts of Uniformity and Supremacy. This made my country's official religion Protestantism. Because of my sister, Mary, who ruled before me, the official religion was Catholic. Half of my people liked that I changed the official religion to Protestantism, but the other half didn't like that I changed it. But since I was the queen, everyone had to do what I said!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Little About Me....

Hi, there! Thanks for coming to my blog! I can't wait for you to learn a little bit more about me!
First off, my name is Queen Elizabeth the 1st. I was born on September 7th in the summer of 1553. While I was a child, I cared a lot about my studies. I could read, speak, and write in French, Italian, Spanish, Flemish, Greek, Latin, and a tad of Welsh which I learned from one of my servants. When I became older, I also became a very important person in my government; I was the queen!
Now here is a little bit about my family. I didn't have any actual siblings, just a step-brother, who was younger than me, and a step-sister, who was older than me. My mother was a very sweet women, but my father had her beheaded because she could not provide him a son that he wanted. When I was born, my father was so disappointed that I was a girl, that he didn't even appear at my christening! Even though he did that, I still loved him dearly with all of my heart, but I didn't know if he loved me with all of his heart.
By now you are probably thinking that my father was not a very nice man, and I can see that you would be thinking that! Well I do agree with you a little bit, but as I said before, I love him. But here is a fact that will make you think he is a quirky man: He was married to a total of six women in his lifetime! My mother was the second wife he had. Later on, he married four more ladies, but at separate times of course.