Thursday, May 6, 2010

I had many different obstacles I went through when I was alive. For instance, I had to find a husband for the Queen Of Scots, Mary, or else she would try to overthrow me from the throne. But once I did find a husband for her, he died! So then, Mary plotted against me, which wasn't good idea because I eventually had her beheaded. As I said before, I don't like beheading people, but she left me with no choice. Mary had tried too many times to overthrow me, so I got sick of it and had her beheaded.
Another obstacle I had to overcome was that I had to be positively sure that no one would try to assassinate me. This goes with what I said before. Mary's whole plan was to try to assassinate me, so I had to watch out for people like her. But overall, I was almost assassinated, probably, three times. Only three times is a good number when you're the king or queen of a country.
The next obstacle I'm going to talk about was defiantly my hardest obstacle. It's about my half-sister, Mary. I'm just going to say it: Mary, my own sister, imprisoned me! She did this because she thought I was plotting against her so then I could be queen. She had me imprisoned for almost a year in The Tower, but then I got moved to house arrest for six months, but it was more like castle arrest! Anyway, I would never do something like that to my own sister! I still can't believe that she would think that I would do something like that.

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