Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This next little bit is going to be about things that are special and interesting that are about me! I'm only going to give you three facts, but I could probably go on forever. The first one is my nickname I got from the people I ruled over. It was Good Queen Bess. Now, my nickname is much better then my sister, Mary's, name: Bloody Mary! My sister wouldn't hesitate for beheading anyone at any given time, but I didn't like to do this, so I didn't get a nickname like her!
Here is my second interesting fact: I loved to dance! Whenever there was music on, I would be dancing and making a fool of myself! An since I loved music, too, that just gave me an extra reason to look silly! But no one likes dancing alone, right? Nither did I! So whoever was next to me would be grabbed, by me, and pulled out to dance to the music! Once I did this, everyone would come and start to dance! That's a memory that I will never forget!
My third, and final, special fact is more interesting than special: I loved to stay fit and healthy by taking long rides on my horse. So now you are probably wondering how a person stays fit by riding on a horse, right? Well I'm not quite sure, either, but it works. I died at an old age because of age, but I never had problems with my heart or anything like that because I was perfectly healthy!

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