Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Now I'm going to give some words that describe me and why I have chosen them. My first word is forgiving. I have chosen this word because I forgave my nephew, Robert Devereux, too many times to count. But one day, he went a little too far, so I beheaded him. That should have thought him a lesson.
For my second word, I have picked focused. The reason why I have decided to use this word to describe me is because I cared about my studies and worked hard in each and everyone of my classes; I was focused!
My third word is unconcerned. You're probably thinking why even thought about choosing that word, but I did choose it. Here's why: When I was four, I didn't, at all, care about my political future. This is because my brother was born when I was four so he was first in line for the throne, then Mary, and finally, me. But I did rule the longest of any of us three.
The forth word I have picked is dedicated. I chose this word because when I was sixty-nine, I proved I was very active by riding my horse. I was dedicated to staying fit and healthy, so I road my horse.
My fifth and final word is terrified. I know that you are thinking, "Why did she choose that word, she was never terrified of anything! People were terrified of her!" But I was terrified of something: Getting in bed. Yes, I know that there is nothing to be scared about when getting in bed. But this phobia was only when I was older. I didn't want to get in bed when I was close to dieing because I thought I would never leave it again! But one day, I did choose to get in bed, after being told to many times, over and over again, and I was right. I died a few days after getting in the bed. I learned the hard way that a queen should never, under any circumstances, listen to anyone but herself.

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