Tuesday, May 4, 2010

By now you're probably thinking, "What did this lady do while she ruled?" Well, I'll tell you some things I did. I proved to everyone who knew me that I could rule without a husband. And I ruled for over twenty-five years! This was defiantly one of my biggest accomplishments!
Another effect I had on the world and people was being one of the most powerful and influential monarchs in England. This brings me back to the whole ruling without a husband thing. Since I was that powerful and I didn't have a husband, I could tell that everyone respected me much more than thought they would. Well, they really did have to respect me or I could lock them in The Tower or, even worse, behead them!
The last effect I'm going to talk about is when I passed the Acts of Uniformity and Supremacy. This made my country's official religion Protestantism. Because of my sister, Mary, who ruled before me, the official religion was Catholic. Half of my people liked that I changed the official religion to Protestantism, but the other half didn't like that I changed it. But since I was the queen, everyone had to do what I said!

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