Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Little About Me....

Hi, there! Thanks for coming to my blog! I can't wait for you to learn a little bit more about me!
First off, my name is Queen Elizabeth the 1st. I was born on September 7th in the summer of 1553. While I was a child, I cared a lot about my studies. I could read, speak, and write in French, Italian, Spanish, Flemish, Greek, Latin, and a tad of Welsh which I learned from one of my servants. When I became older, I also became a very important person in my government; I was the queen!
Now here is a little bit about my family. I didn't have any actual siblings, just a step-brother, who was younger than me, and a step-sister, who was older than me. My mother was a very sweet women, but my father had her beheaded because she could not provide him a son that he wanted. When I was born, my father was so disappointed that I was a girl, that he didn't even appear at my christening! Even though he did that, I still loved him dearly with all of my heart, but I didn't know if he loved me with all of his heart.
By now you are probably thinking that my father was not a very nice man, and I can see that you would be thinking that! Well I do agree with you a little bit, but as I said before, I love him. But here is a fact that will make you think he is a quirky man: He was married to a total of six women in his lifetime! My mother was the second wife he had. Later on, he married four more ladies, but at separate times of course.

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